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Healthy Homes Made Simple: Learn from the Passive House Design experts

In Conversation with Talina Edwards and Andy Marlow, Directors at Envirotecture

FREE OnlineZoom
Thu 27th Jun 2024,08:00 am - 09:00 am GMT

About this event

What are the best choices for your home so that it not only performs and looks beautiful but also supports your family's long-term health and wellbeing?

What does sustainable, healthy design look like? Does it look good? Or aim to BE and FEEL good? What do the experts say about:

  • improving the indoor air quality for occupant's physical health?

  • improving occupant comfort?

  • improving mental wellbeing?

  • making better decisions that also contribute to a healthier planet (along with lower C02 emissions and responsible-sourcing of materials)?

As we move more indoors for the colder months, join us for our next online session, a deep dive into the practicalities of the Healthy Home, where we are extremely lucky to be joined by Talina Edwards and Andy Marlow from longtime visionary architecture practice Envirotecture . For more than three decades Envirotecture have been committed to creating net-zero homes that are equitable, affordable, and conducive to a healthy lifestyle while shaping a future where sustainable homes are accessible to all.

This session will give you the building blocks to understand healthy sustainable design fundamentals that:

  • create beautiful spaces for your family, bringing form and function together

  • control humidity and temperature, for maximum comfort

  • maximize natural daylighting and ventilation

  • minimize sources of indoor pollutants by choice of natural building materials

  • reflect the way your family lives now

  • adapts to the changing needs of your family as you grow and change

  • have ‘'localness', responding to the nature of your building site, and its surroundings

  • Ultimately create healthy, safe places for you to live, work and play

Envirotecture Their ethos is to care deeply about the natural environment and the built environment and how these can be aligned for healthy people and healthy planet. Practice that is not just doing less bad, but doing more good too - with genuine ethical responsibility and loving kindness towards people and the planet – this is what really makes them shine.

Talina Edwards, Director and Passivhaus Designer has over 25 years experience in Architectural practices. She is passionate about creating healthy, beautiful, functional, comfortable and sustainable architecture which combines building-science and biophilic-design. She is currently undertaking the Living Future Accreditation course to pursue her regenerative-design ethos for a society that is socially just, culturally rich and ecologically restorative.

Andy Marlow, Director and accredited Passivhaus Design & Construct, believes all people should live, work and play in buildings that make them happy and healthy. His focus is ensuring people with reasonable budgets get into the best homes possible through a focus on health, comfort and efficiency in all its meanings. Conscious Renovator Case Study Guest Joining us too is conscious homeowner Debi running us through her renovation transformation journey from freezing not-fit-for-purose weatherboard to a healthy, comfortable, efficient home. Dubbed ‘Copa Came in from the Cold’, Debi’s project with Envirotecture received a ‘Highly Commended’ at the 2023 Sustainably Awards and we’re looking forward to sharing this beautiful case study with you. Hosted by Sonja Markovic , CEO and Co-founder of Evitat


Come prepared with questions you have regarding your home and health, or anything else for our deeply knowledgable guests. Find out about how the Evitat Logbook can help you identify the healthy materials, solutions and professionals to help you reach your goals and track this progress for your home and family! Join the logbook trial now!

This session will be recorded.

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Talina EdwardsDirector, Architect, Passivhaus Designer - Envirotecture

Andy MarlowDirector, Architect, Passivhaus Design & Construct - Envirotecture

DebiConscious Home Renovator, NSW

Sonja MarkovicCEO and Co-founder at Evitat


Evitat Australia